We Veterans can become invisible very quickly due to multiple reasons. Life can deal us a hand that may prove difficult without the appropriate support. Though there are quite a vast array of resources available to Veterans, it is often a challenge to determine where to start.
We at Veterans Courage believe that the initial steps to healing and recovery require some form of self actualization. In order to recognize self worth and value as a human being, a journey will have to ensue, and the path will take one down a path of building inner strength.


Traumatic experiences whether it's combat related, sexual abuse or other life and death situations may result in TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or other ailments. This oftentimes results in a behavior of isolation and solitude which leads a Veteran to misunderstand the causes that lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Left alone, the Veteran thinks that they cannot relate to anyone and further removes themselves from society.
The downward spiral, coupled with alcohol and substance abuse, strips away any ounce of dignity and renders the Veteran homeless and on the brink of suicide. You are not alone! Multiple Veteran Outreach programs have been established to assist Veterans to get back on their feet.
Together, the steps along the path can be taken. Each step builds upon the next whereby the Veteran can Heal, Recover and Grow. Each phase is conducted in order of precedence to establish a solid foundation.
The initial phase is to heal, There is no time limit, there are no goals, objectives, purposes or missions. Just allowing time to heal and self-actualization. The next phase is to recover. This entails self-reliance and the ability to stand on your own two feet.
Once the growth phase is reached, the Veteran is in a position to self-sustain their momentum of life and contribute to self, family, friends, community and society as they see fit. It takes courage to take each step but "You Are Not Alone!"

stand by me one last time
As Chaplains, either serving on Active Military Duty or as Veterans in the American Legion, we sit with the Veteran in his or her final days. There are several emotions, thoughts and a sense of understanding that emerges.
The privilege is part of the We Honor Veterans, a national hospice program. As part of the Military Veterans Ceremony, a certificate of appreciation is read, a pin is presented along with a hand salute and finally a poem is read called, The Eagle Soars Above.

Military honors
As members of the Santa Clara, California District 13 American Legion Honor Guard, we have the privilege of rendering the final salute to our fellow Veterans. We assist the active-duty Military Honor Guard team. As a combined team, we fire a three-volley salute, play Taps, and fold and present the American Flag, which we call “Colors,” to the next of kin. Three shell casings are picked up and presented to the next of kin representing Duty, Honor, and Sacrifice.

We honor and remember
As part of Honor and Color Guard services in Santa Clara County, California, we have the privilege of assisting many causes that impacts not only the Veteran, but their family and community. Programs such as the Washington DC Honor Flight, Veterans Parades, Posting of Colors and placing flags and wreaths at Veterans gravesites are just a few of the service opportunities to honor our fellow comrades.

all gave some, some gave all
United States Military Veterans come from a lineage of fellow servicemen and servicewomen who have made the ultimate sacrifice. From the Revolutionary War to the recent Great War on Terror, we remember, reflect and honor.